Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Learning curve

Some days the learning curve is steeper than others.  Today I learned not to leave random paper napkins laying about on my sewing tables.  

 At least it's pretty easy to rip out.

The bag back is done.  Lots of fun and some frustration.  Mostly with the linty thread.  Time to experiment with other threads!  Not bad for a first try though.  I think I've finally conquered pebbles.  Feathers I have no problem with, or paisley.  Bear claws not so much.  Also the flowers.  I have to study the books more.  This is also helping me get a better idea of scale and how designs can work together....or not.

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard are regular visitors now.  They waddle up the yard when they see the car pull in, hoping for a handout of cracked corn, which The Viking is very keen to provide.  This evening The Tramp and I were outside replacing a windshield wiper on my car, and when we turned around we found we had not only ducks, but a rabbit too.  All very nonchalant about our presence and the dogs barking behind the front door.  The four adult geese and three goslings are always very much present as well these days.  Our own little wild kingdom.  Heh.

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